It was a cold December’s night when three wise judges embarked on their mission to find the brightest, twinkling lights.
Onward they went, facing house after house, enjoying the lights and music and the Santa’s around. Reindeers were present, and so were baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
At the end, prizes were ready to be awarded, homeowners’ creativity had once again abounded.
It was the fifth annual Caribbean Christmas Colors competition and the race for top honors was very hotly contested. Each house sparkled and shone, their glory was visible from blocks away and the three judges trucked forward. The night held up on Saturday for judgment night, however for the night of announcements the weather prevented the crew from visiting homes and handing out prizes. Congratulations to the following winners who excelled in their home decorations and caught the judges and crowd’s eyes. The winners are below in their various categories:
*People’s Choice –
Regina Brown and family – Both the judges and crew were thrilled with the creativity found in this home’s decoration. The judges said, “Every year Regina’s house looks like Santa Land. For their great effort, Brown won a $25 gift certificate from Bikini Bar, a gift prize from Graniel’s Dreamland, $50 bar tab from Tackle Box, $150 gift certificate from Wild Mango’s and one (1) ticket to the Lorie Morgan Show.
*Jan Jensen Memorial –
Marciano Salazar and family – The Salazar family home depicted the character of past Caribbean Christmas Colors judge Jan Jensen. Simple and sweet, the lights shone brightly and evoked the meaning of Christmas.

The judges stated, “Not over-decorated yet demonstrates the Christmas spirit.” The Salazar family won a dinner for two (2) which will include entrée, sides and dessert from Fido’s, one (1) small pizza from Pirate’s Pizza, 24 hour golf cart rental from Captain G’s, one (1) cake courtesy of Casa Pan Dulce, $50 gift certificate from Joshwell’s Fashion.
*“Emma Jurado’s house is a blast!” exclaimed the judges.

For the fantastic light show,
the Jurado family won
Best Theme. Between the blues and snowmen, the Santa and the music, the Jurado home brought a smile to everyone that passed by their beachfront home. Their prizes include a dinner for two (2) which will include entrée, sides and dessert from Nautica, lunch for two (2) at Rico’s @ Banyan Bay, one (1) bottle of wine from Premium Wines, $200 gift certificate from Rapidito Loans.
Most Creative 
was taken by
Flor Bradley with her creative display of the Christmas spirit. Utilizing fishing net as a yard Christmas tree, the Bradley home became an instant favorite by the judges who said, “The Bradley home blends island living with the Christmas theme.”

Their prizes included a $100 gift certificate to Capricorn, $30 food or bar tab at Akbol, Asian Garden aromatherapy massage, and a sunset cruise for four (4) from Seaduced.
Overall best WOW factor was taken by
Ellis Eiley and family who “captivated the judges from afar.” With their high flying reindeer, the Eileys won one (1) cell phone with $50 credit from SMART!, free registration and one (1) month registration from Train Station, one (1) ticket to the Lorie Morgan show from the Reef Village Boutique, 24 hour golf cart rental from Carts Belize, two (2) bottles of wine from Rendezvous Winery.
Editor’s Choice –
Ilsa Salazar – It’s all about impressing the Editor Tamara Sniffin and Ilsa gave a fantastic punch. “

Cute, simple, warm and welcoming” the Salazars won $100 cash prize from Reef Radio, a gift prize from Castillo’s Hardware, $100 gift certificate from Wine de Vine, one (1) large pizza from Pedro’s Pizza and set of tickets for any movie in February or March 2010 for a family or group of five (5) courtesy of Paradise Theater @ the Reef Village.
Judge’s Choice 
went to
Tula Ayuso and family who definitely had a way of attracting the judges’ attention to her house. The judges were truly impressed with the candy canes adorning the front yard and the ornaments hanging from the gate. The reindeer flying up high completed the look and even the family’s pet shone with a red twinkling light of his own. Ayuso won a dinner for two (2) up to $100 at El Divino, $100 bar tab at BC’s, lunch or dinner for (2) courtesy of Mata Chica’s Mambo Restaurant, $25 gift certificate from Palapa Bar.
Honorary Mention
went to
the Alfaro Family who year after year

“makes Island Christmas very special.” Sunset Grill gave them a $100 gift certificate, $50 bar tab from Reef Village Bar, gift prize from Liquor Box, and dinner for two (2) from Blue Lotus.
*Best Business went to Nellie's with their bright light and wonderful display. For their creative work, Nellie's won $400 worth of FREE advertising courtesy of The San Pedro Sun.