The theme of the essay writing contest was ‘Kindness’ and it was open to all students in Standards 4, 5 & 6 at schools in San Pedro.
All essays were judged blind by our three independent judges, Mary Gonzalez – writer, Chris Emmanuel – writer and Katia Marin – pet expert. None of the judges knew the identity of the writers or the school they represented. The judges were unanimous in saying that the essays were very impressive and even brought some of them to tears. It was a hard decision but here are the winners:
1st Prize Girls – Kendice Armstrong, Holy Cross Anglican School
1st Prize Boys – Ruben Francois, Island Academy
1st Prize for most enthusiastic participation from a school – Holy Cross Anglican School
Runners Up: Allessandra Gutierrez, R. C. School, Jamie Valentin, R. C. School, Deschana Lewis, H. C. School, Aliyah Elliott, H. C. School, Ada Cordova, H. C. School, Joseline Vasquez, H. C. School.

Be Kind Belize is a free programme, designed to complement the Belize National Curriculum. It is available to any school that would like to introduce the concept of kindness to their pupils. Volunteers are always welcome. If you would like more information about how you or your school could participate in Be Kind Belize or if you would like to volunteer, please contact Be Kind Belize at 226-4366 or 624-8251.