The Coral Reef Ed-Ventures is returning to San Pedro for its 12th terrific year of coral reef programs!
Smith College – Hol Chan Coral Reef Ed-Ventures is an educational summer program that teaches children about reef ecology and conservation. In 2000, three professors from Smith College, USA, Al Curran, Paulette Peckol, and Susan Etheredge collaborated with the managers of Hol Chan Marine Reserve, especially Miguel Alamilla, to create a program that provides a way for Smith students to give back to the community of San Pedro while supporting its beautiful resource of the coral reef. The goal of the program for the past ten years has been to foster collaboration between Smith students and the residents of San Pedro to promote an understanding about the environmental and economic benefits of a healthy reef ecosystem nearby, in the hopes of increasing the conservation of this remarkable resource.
This program has two programs for children who are interested in learning more about the coral reef. There is an advanced program for children ages 12 and over, who will create, with the Smith student teachers, a coral reef conservation project. For the past two years the group has published a magazine focusing on the Meso-American Barrier Reef nearby and its links to the community. The magazine printing was generously supported by community donations and was distributed free of charge throughout San Pedro. We will start on Thursday, June 23rd and ends on Friday, July 1st. The program runs from 4 to 6pm (Location TBA).
For children ages 7 to 11, there is a youth program that lasts for two weeks. It runs from Monday, July 4th to Thursday, July 14th. The children participate in many hands-on activities that emphasize the care and preservation of the reef. The program runs from 9:00 to 11:45 am at the RC School.
Interested students should pick up permission slips at the library (across from the RC School) or at the Hol Chan Office and bring it to the first day of the program. We hope you will join us on our coral reef adventure!!
Before the program officially gets underway, there will be two movie nights with popcorn and juice for anyone in the community who is interested. Be on the lookout for dates and times!