From 10am through 3pm, Monday through Thursday, children ages seven to 18 play both on land and at sea, thanks to the generosity of the following: Reef Village, Brad of Xtreme Water Sports, Amigos del Mar (Changa, Eddie and Ishmael), Coco Locos, Rebecca from Seaduced, all the counselors, Colette from Be Kind Belize, Dave Hauptli and Alexandra Nicholson for use of property, Marcie and Ken, JoVan Ayuso, Zack Pierce, Pam and Jeff Pierce for Swimming lessons, Doug Maxwell for teaching guitar, Jean Allred for teaching Baton, Dave King and Ken (archery), Mary Mooney for her unending support through the program with her help from the United States, Libby Mooney counselor, Mundy Nuñez,, Gaylna Heitzig and Gillian Miller (swimming), Mike Song (Creative Writing), Luis Torres and Magdalena Wendling.
Thanks to everyone, Summer Camp has been a great success!!