-Press Release – San Pedro Roman Catholic Church - August 17, 2010 - The San Pedro Roman Catholic Church, together with The Legion of Mary and auxiliaries and Sister Amalia had a summer program for children in San Pedro Town. The program taught the children about The Sacraments, The Commandments, and The Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, prayers and songs. The children also learned how to make their own rosaries along with other fun crafts. It was well attended by approximately 50 children. The program started on July 6th and ended on August 13th with a mass and parents’ night, where the children performed a liturgy Dance and a skit portraying the Luminous Mystery. After the program, a small reception was held at the Church Courtyard.
Where can Parents sign up their kids for this next year?? At RC Church Parish Office? I am interested in having my daughters participate next year...thanks for whatever information you can provide.
The program details will be released in the monthly church bulletins leading up to the date. The bulletins are handed out at the end of service every end-of-month. The program takes place Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, it is free of charge, with only a small donation requested at the end of the program for the finale reception/party for the kids. Hope your girls can participate in next year's (3rd) program - there is limited space. Look out for the bulletin. :)
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