Today, February 26, 2011 marks one year since a
tragic plane crash claimed the life of Sir Barry Bowen and his four passengers, Jillian, Mike, Makayla and Bryce Casey.

Students at the Island Academy, along with parents, teachers, staff and Lady Dixie Bowen held a very touching tribute to Barry on Friday, February 25th.

Students sang a sweet lullaby...

Children brought flowers...

and the flag was flown at half mast.

Mr. Eddie Halliday Sr. led the group gathered under the palapa at the Island Academy in prayer.

Students then sang the Island Academy Anthem.

After which, a procession was led by Lady Dixie to the end of the Bowen pier.

The flowers that had been brought by the students were released into the ocean, a place that Barry absolutely loved.

Barry Bowen was larger than life. He was a husband, father, friend and business man. He was an unforgettable man, someone who will remain imprinted in our memories.
Similarly, we remember the
Casey family, who devoted their time and energy to their students and the community at Gallon Jug. May their names and memories never be forgotten.
A Letter from the Bowen Family
Dear All:
We are sadly aware that the anniversary of our father’s death will be on the 26th of February. While alive, Sir Barry thought very little about death, instead he celebrated life to the fullest. Therefore, we have chosen to celebrate his legacy in September, at the Sir Barry Belikin Bash, around the time of his birthday. He loved this event because it stemmed from his competitive nature and determination to make Belikin “The Beer of Belize”. We will always celebrate his life and his legacy at a time of year that he loved, not at the time of his untimely death, and we hope you will join us then to raise a cold Belikin in his honour.
Thank you.
The Bowen Family
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